Tuesday 7 August 2018

Matter In Our Surroundings (Class-9) Extra Questions

Ques.1) Define matter.
Ans ) Matter is defined as anything that occupies space and have mass.
Ques.2) Name the states of matter.
Ans ) The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas.
Ques.3) Give examples of states of matter.
Ans ) Stone and wood are the two examples of solid state of matter,
water and oil are the two examples of liquid state of matter, air and water vapour are the two examples of gases state of matter.
Ques.4) What is the physical state of water at room temperature.
Ans ) Water (liquid).
Ques.5) Particles of which two substances are present in lemonade (nimbu paani).
Ans ) Lemon and water.
Ques.6) Why gases have very low density.
Ans ) Because their molecules are very far apart from one another.
Ques.7) Define fluidity.
Ans ) The characteristic of liquids and gases to flow is called fluidity.
Ques.8) Why is solids rigid.
Ans ) Solids have strong intermolecular forces of attraction between the particles that's why they are rigid.
Ques.9) Why are gases highly compressible but not liquids.
Ans ) In gases the space between the particles is very large, hence it is highly compressible but in liquids the space between the particles is not very large that's it is less compressible.
Ques.10) Why do we see water droplets on the outer surface of a glass containing ice-cold water.
Ans ) The water vapour present in the air on coming in contact with the surface of the glass of cold water, loses energy and gets converted to liquid state, which we see as water droplets.  

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