Monday 24 September 2018



Question: Punctuate the following:
(Year - 2017)
I am talking of mother ganga daughter of the vedas river of illumination protector of us all breaker of the chain of birth and rebirth.
Ans: I am talking of mother Ganga, daughter of the Vedas river of illumination protector of us all breaker of the chain of birth and rebirth.
(Year - 2016)
the fearless man may of course meet with sudden disasters but it is likely that he will pass unharmed this kind of self-confidence has of course innumerable forms.
Ans: The fearless man may, of course, meet with sudden disasters, but it is likely that he will pass unharmed this kind of self-confidence has, of course innumerable forms.
(Year - 2015)
I look upon the tombs of the great every invidious emotion in me when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful every inordinate desire goes out when I meet with the grief of parents upon a tombstone my heart melts with compassion.
Ans: I look upon the tombs of the great every invidious emotion in me when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out. When I meet with the grief of parents upon a tombstone, my heart melts with compassion.
(Year - 2014)
Reliable deliveries first class quality and a complete range of products are the main features of our business.
Ans: Reliable deliveries, first class quality and a complete range of products are the main features of our business.
(Year - 2013)
tonight i am going through the same old ceremony that has become almost a ritual i shall eat as much as i can for dinner pull the best arm chair half way into the fire pile on the coal close my eyes and sink into a deep stertorous coma
Ans: Tonight I am going through the same old ceremony that has become almost a ritual. I shall eat as much as I can for dinner. Pull the best arm chair half way into the fire pile on the coal close my eyes and sink into a deep stertorous coma.

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