Thursday 6 September 2018

Improvement In Food Resources (Class-9) Extra Questions

Ques.1) What is irrigation?
Ans. ) The process of supplying water to the crops in the fields is called irrigation.
Ques.2) Name some fodder crops.
Ans. ) Berseem, oat, sudan grass etc are fodder crops.
Ques.3) What are crop-seasons.
Ans. ) Rabi season (from November to April), and Kharif season (from June to October) are two crop seasons.
Ques.4) Name the Kharif and Rabi crops.
Ans. ) Kharif crops are paddy, soyabean, maize, arhar, urad, cotton and moong. Rabi crops are wheat, gram, mustard linseed, masoor and peas.
Ques.5) Define crop rotation?
Ans. ) The growing of different crops on a piece of land in a preplanned succession is called as crop rotation.

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