Thursday 18 July 2019

B.A.(Part 3) Exam Paper Of 2014 English Language Paper Second (B) (Communication for Business and Media) | B.A. Third Year English Paper

B.A. (Part 3) EXAMINATION, 2014

(New Course)
Paper Second (B)
(Communication for Business and Media)
Time : Three Hours                                                            Maximum Marks : 50
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. Answer any two of the following questions:   5 each
   (a) Discuss in brief the basic forms of communication.
   (b) What are the important features of Non-verbal Communication ?
   (c) Describe functions and uses of Internet.
2. Discuss the different elements of a 'Report'.   10
    What do you understand by formal and informal report ? Differentiate between periodic and special report.
3. Language is both linguistic and communicative competence. How ?   10
    Show the significance of Generative theory of meaning in language sensitivity.
4. Point out the difficulties faced in writing for the print media.   10
    Describe the leads of the newspaper.
5. 'Modern electronic media has revolutionized mass communication.' Discuss this statement.   10
    Write a note on Television News style.

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