Monday, 23 March 2020

Prologue to the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

 Prologue to the Canterbury Tales 

A brief introduction to the pilgrims or the characters as they appear in the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales is as follows :
The Knight : The Knight who is introduced first, is an ethical character who loves honour, freedom and courtesy. He represents the virtues of chivalry and valour. He is a great warrior. He is generous and modest. As Chaucer says, ''He is a perfect gentle Knight.''
The Squire : He is a young man of about twenty with curly hair and an average height. He is the son of the Knight. He is healthy, active and strong. He found many battles to win his lady's favour. He is a great lover and fails to sleep at night. He wears a dress embroidered all over.
The Yeoman : He is a servant of the Knight. He is a forester. He wears a green coat and hood of green. His face is brown and head is like a nut. He carries with him a bunch of peacock arrows.
The Prioress : She is a nun and prioress or head of her convent. She is very simple and quiet in her smiling. She is given to affectation. She sings the service divine in a nasal voice. She has pleasant and amicable manners. Her mouth is small and soft. She is fashionably dressed.
The Monk : He is a fat and flourishing like a lord. He is an impressive man fit to be an Abbot or head of monestery. He has many good horses in his stable. He is good in hunting. He devotes all his time in hunting, eating and merry making. In short he is ''A only man to been a Abbot able.''
The Friar : He is a wanton and merry fellow who live a life of pleasure. No one equals him in gossip and flattery. He is a man of amorous nature.
The Merchant : He is rich and carries a prosperous trade. He has a beard and is richly and fashionable dressed. He is a worthy man.
The Oxford Clerk : He is a scholar of oxford. He is a lover of books. All he gets from his friends he spend on book.
A Sergeant of Law : He is prudent and wise, an excellent person. He was dressed in a cost of mixed stuff.
The Franklin : He is jolly old man fond of eating and drinking. His table is always laden with delicasies.
The Cook : He can prepare decent varities of food. He knows the taste of land ale. He has sore on his chim.
She Shipman : He has a fine ship called Magdalen. He has sailed far and wide. He is not very honest. He steals wine when other pilgrims are asleep.
The Doctor of Physique : He is a very perfect practioner. Nobody can match his knowledge in physics, surgery and astronomy.
The Wife of Bath : She is bold faced and gap toothed. She is a much married woman. She is expert in art of love making.
The Person : He is religious minded, and learned man. He is saint among sinners.
The Plowman : He is humblest of the company. He loves God. He helps others.
A Reeve, A Miller, A Summoner, A Pardoner, A Maunciple : The Miller is a strong healthy man. He is a wrestler. Reeve is a slender and choleric. The summoner has a red face, pimpled all over. His face is hideous. The Pardoner sings love song in loud voice. He possesses few relics by which he cheats people. Maniciple is clever man of business. There is none to meet him in aiming.
The Host and his Proposal : The host is a good in entertaining his guests. Proposal is a merry fellow.

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