Tuesday 14 April 2020

The Last Lesson Solution Of NCERT Text Book Class 12



Think as you read -

Question 1:- What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day ?
Answer :- He was expected to be prepared with the lesson on participles.

Question 2:- What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day ?
Answer :- 
1) There was silence at the school.
2) He was not punished by M.Hamel.
3) Old village people were sitting on the last bench of the class.

Question 3:- What had been put upon the bulletin-board ?
Answer :- Latest news were put on the bulletin-board. But from last two years only bad news had come from there. The news that French was replaced by German had been put on the bulletin board.

Think as you read -

Question 1:- What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day ?

Answer :- Mr M.Hamel was wearing green coat and frilled shirt that day, there was silence in the class and old people of the village were sitting in the back benches. Everyone was filled with petriotism.

Question 2:- How did Franz's feeling about M.Hamel and school change ?
Answer :- By knowing the fact that this is their last French lesson his feeling about the school and M,Hamel was changed. He feels that M.Hamel was not so cranky and strict.

Understanding The Text -

Question 1:- The people in this story suddenly realise how precious their language is to them. What show you this ? Why does this happen ?

Answer :- When French district Alsace are occupied by Germany then German language was imposed on the people of Alsace, then they realise how precious their language is to them.M. Hamel declares that French was the most clearest and logical language in the world. All the people, children and the village elders were worried that this was their last lesson on French.

This happens because their language was replaced so they realise its importance.

Question 2:- Franz thinks ''will they make them sing in German even the pigeons ?'' what could this mean.
Answer :- French disticts of Alsace and Lorraine fall into Prussian hands. Then will teach only German in schools. Everyone was shocked. Franz was not feeling well as he dislike German. Franz sees pigeons cooing on the roof and thinks that ''they will make them sing in German.'' They can impose German language on the people but not on the pigeons. They can enslave people but they can't have any authority over their feelings. Nor can they compel the pigeons cooing in German.

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