Monday 29 June 2020

The Tiger King Solution Of NCERT Text Book Class 12



Think as you read -

1)Why was the king named as the tiger king ?
Answer ) The king of Pratibandapuram was known as 'The Tiger King'. Because when he was born the astrologers predicted that he would killed by 100'th tiger. As the little boy grows up he become stronger and stronger. He started killing tigers to challenge the prophecy of astrologer so he was named as 'Tiger King' by the people.

2) What was the prophecy made at the time of his birth ?
Answer) When he was born, the astrologers predicted that he was killed by tigers. As the boy was born in the hour of Bull. The Bull and the Tiger are enemies, therefore death comes from the tiger.

3) Describe the childhood of the tiger king ?
Answer) The tiger king was prince. He was kept in security. He drank the milk of an English cow, which was brought by English nanny, tutored in English by an Englishmen and saw nothing but English movies.

4) Which time was the celebration time for the tigers ? How ?
Answer) It was the celebration time for the tigers when the tiger hunting was banned and no one can throw even a stone upon them. It was banned because their population was reached to extinction. One king can hunt them.

5) Explain how was the king in a danger of losing his throne ? How did he retain his kingdom ?
Answer) One an English officer wants to hunt tiger in his state and he was not agree. So he gave a proposal that the king will shot the tiger and he take his photo with the tiger. But king doesn't allow him to do so. So he was in danger of losing his throne. He retain his kingdom by sending them fifty diamond rings by thinking that he would choose two or three of them but they accepted all of them and thanked the king.

6) What brought a stand still to his mission of killing hundred tigers ? Which solution did he think for ?
Answer) In his mission of killing hundred tiger the extinction of tigers brought stand still. Then he married a girl(princes) where the population of tigers is very large.

7) Why did the tiger king exemt the villagers from the tax for three years.
Answer) The tiger king exemt the villagers from taxes for three years because they told him about the fact that the sheep's are disappeared from the village hill side. So it must be the work of a tiger. And the king was in search of the hundredth tiger.

8) How did the Dewan arrange for the hundredth tiger ? What happen to it.
Answer) The king was very angry to complete his goal of killing hundred tigers. He was imposing huge taxes upon the people. So Dewan decided to take his own tiger to the jungle where the king was hunting. The Dewan kept that tiger hidden in his house, which he kept from people's Park.
That tiger fall on the heap as bullet passed him due to its sound. But he was not dead. 

9) How did the tiger king die at the end ? Did the prophecy come true ? 
Answer) When he was searching for a gift for his three years old son, he found a wooden tiger in a shop. Which he take for his son. When he was playing with the tiger there were many silvers on it, which injured him. It cause an infection which spread in his arm and he die.
Yes the prophecy came true because he was killed by hundredth tiger.

10) Did the shopkeeper take the advantage of the rules of the emergency ? How ?
Answer) Yes, he take the advantage of the situation. By saying that the wooden tiger was a fine piece of craftsmanship and very expensive. So he told him that its price is rupees three hundred.

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