Saturday 18 July 2020

Article On Save Water Writing (150-200 words) | Article on save water | Article on save drinking water

PROBLEM : Write an article in 150 - 200 words on 'save water'.



(By XYZ)

  Water is crucial for us and for all other living organisms. Three fourth of the earth is water so it is called as blue planet. Our body contains 70% of water. All plants, animals, insects, microorganisms etc require water for their survival. We use it for performing all our necessary activities.
The question is why we have to save water ? Because it is so precious. Earth have so much water but the amount of fresh and drinking water is very less. People are wasting water in daily life like in bathing, during washing hands, cloths, brushing etc. These are some direct cause of water wastage but deforestation is an indirect cause of water wastage. Due to increased urbanization and industrialization many trees are removed which causes ecological imbalance and at last of all this the victim is water.
For saving water we have to take some urgent steps together. We have to control our daily water wastage, plant some trees, make the people aware about it and its consequences. The government must also take part in this. The government have opened a new water management ministry recently.   

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