Monday 23 November 2020

B.A.(Part 1) Exam Paper Of 2015 English Language Paper First (Text) | B.A. First Year English Paper


B.A. (Part 1) EXAMINATION, 2015

(New Course)
Paper First
Time : Three Hours                                                            Maximum Marks : 50
Note : All questions are compulsory.

Section - A

(Short Answer Type Questions)

Note : Attempt all the six questions. Each question carries 3 marks.
1. (A) What, according to C.E.M. Joad, is the story of mankind on the whole ?
   (B) ''Whenever people are angry, distressed or nervous, they  are likely to start a rhythmic movement of some kind.'' Explain it.
   (C) Give in brief the picture of worker's Paradise as given by the author.
   (D) Describe in brief the miseries of Mathilde and Mr. Loisel during the ten years of hard work.
   (E) Write a brief note on the Magi and their significance in the story ''The Gift of the Magi''.
   (F) Comment on the lady's habit of overeating in ''The Luncheon.''

Section - B

(Long Answer Type Questions)

Note : Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 8 marks.
2. What message does Issac Asimov wish to convery in his essay ''The Fun They Had'' ?
3. What are the views of M.W. Thring as expressed in the essay "A Robot About The House'' ?
4. Analyse the theme of the essay ''Using Land Wisely''.
5. Critically evaluate the story "A Wrong Man in Workers' Paradise." Is it realistic or not ?

Section - C

(Long Answer Type Questions)

Note : Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 8 marks.
6. Describe an Indian astrologer as portrayed by R.K.Narayan.
7. Write a critical appreciation of the story "A Pair of the Moustachios".
8. Discuss the significance of the title ''The Home-Coming''.
9. What were the three questions asked by the king and what were the answers given by the hermit ?

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