Thursday 11 October 2018

B.A.(Part 2) Exam Paper Of 2018 English Language Paper Second (Writing Skills)

B.A. (Part 2) EXAMINATION, 2018

(New Course)
Paper Second
(Writing Skills)
Time : Three Hours                                                            Maximum Marks : 50
Note : Attempt all questions.
Inst. : The candidates are required to answer only in serial order. If there are many parts of a question, answer them in continuation.
1. Write an essay on any one of the following (about 250 words):                 15
    (i)    Disadvantages of Mobile Phones for youth.
    (ii)   Importance of Yoga in human life.
    (iii)  The role of women in free India.
2. Expand any one of the following:                                                                10
    (i)    Charity begins at home.
    (ii)   Knowledge is power.
    (iii)  Failures are the best pillars of success.
    (iv)  Honesty is the best policy.
3. (i)    Recreate a story by filling in the blanks :                                               5
         The hare laughed at the slow moving tortoise. ...... the tortoise not at all ashamed of his slow pace ...... he could beat the hare in race ...... agreed ...... the hare went away in leaps ...... the tortoise went slowly after him ...... the hare confident ...... had a nap ...... the tortoise went on and on ...... reached the winning post first ...... the hare beaten in the race.
    (ii)   Write a dialogue between two friends about the first day at school.                                                                                                                                                                         5
4. (i)   Write a letter to your friend, describing the Annual Sports Meet held in your college.                                                                                                                                             5
          On behalf of the students of the college write an application to the principal of your College requesting him to make arrangement for better library facilities.
     (ii)   Punctuate the following :                                                                        5
          he said who are you to speak me like this i am the master why should i help you.
5. (i)    Give one word substitution any three of the following :                           3
         (a) Science of human life.
         (b) An animal that can be tamed.
         (c) A long narrative poem.
         (d) That which can be eaten.
         (e) One who is hard to please.
   (ii)    Use the following idioms in sentences (any two) :                                   2
         (a) Apple of one's eye
         (b) In black and white
         (c) In full swing
         (d) To kill two birds with one stone

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