Wednesday 3 October 2018

B.A.(Part 2) Exam Paper Of 2018 Sociology Paper First (Indian Society Issues and Problems)

B.A. (Part 2) EXAMINATION, 2018

(New Course)
Paper First
(Indian Society Issues and Problems)
Time : Three Hours                                                  Maximum Marks : 50
Note : Attempt questions from all Sections as directed.
Inst. : The candidates are required to answer only in serial order. If there are many parts of a question, answer them in continuation.
(Section - A)
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Note : Attempt all parts of this question. Each question carries 2 marks.
1. (A) What do you mean by Cyber Crime ?
    (B) Analyse the problems of Pollution.
    (C) What is Social Environment ?
    (D) What is Poverty ? Explain it.
    (E) Comment on White Collar Crime.
    (F) Give main causes of Domestic Violence.
    (G) Describe the causes of Terrorism.
    (H) What do you mean by Consumerism ?
    (I) Write a short note on Drug Addiction.
    (J) Explain the problems of Dalits.
(Section - B)
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note : Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 71/2 marks.
2. Give suggestions for prevention of corruption in Public Life.
3. Describe the problems of Muslim minorities in India.
4. What are Human Rights ? Explain its historical background.
5. Explain problems of crisis of values in Indian Society.
(Section - C)
(Long Answer Types Questions)
Note : Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 71/2 marks.
6. Write a detailed essay on Poverty.
7. What do you mean by Dowry System ? Give the suggestions to remove dowry system.
8. What is White Collar Crime ? In what way has white collar crime taken roots in Indian Society ?
9. Write an article on Domestic Violence.

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