Wednesday 13 March 2019

OTHER WAYS TO SAY ''BAD'' , How to say Bad in different-different ways , Say Bad in other words


  1. Abysmal
  2. Amateurish
  3. Appalling
  4. Atrocious
  5. Awful
  6. Bum
  7. Careless
  8. Crummy
  9. Defective
  10. Deficient
  11. Deplorable
  12. Execrable
  13. Faulty
  14. Godawful
  15. Imperfect
  16. Incompetent
  17. Ineffectual
  18. Inept
  19. Inexpert
  20. Inadequate
  21. Inferior
  22. Lousy
  23. Miserable
  24. Negligent
  25. Not up to par
  26. Not up to scratch
  27. Not up to snuff
  28. Pathetic
  29. Poor
  30. Rotten
  31. Second-class
  32. Second-rate
  33. Shoddy
  34. Substandard
  35. Terrible
  36. Unacceptable
  37. Unsatisfactory
  38. Useless
  39. Woeful

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