Sunday 10 March 2019

OTHER WAYS TO SAY ''STUPID PERSON'' , 44 ways to say Stupid Person , How to say Stupid Person in a different way


  1. Airhead
  2. Ass
  3. Blockhead
  4. Bonehead
  5. Butthead
  6. Chump
  7. Clod
  8. Cretin
  9. Dimwit
  10. Dipstick
  11. Ditz
  12. Dolt
  13. Doofus
  14. Dope
  15. Dork
  16. Dumb-ass
  17. Dumbo
  18. Dum-dum
  19. Dummy
  20. Dunce
  21. Dunderhead
  22. Fathead
  23. Fool
  24. Halfwit
  25. Idiot
  26. Ignoramus
  27. Imbecile
  28. Jackass
  29. Jughead
  30. Knuckle-dragger
  31. Knucklehead
  32. Loon
  33. Lummox
  34. Meatball
  35. Meathead
  36. Moron
  37. Nincompoop
  38. Ninny
  39. Numbskull
  40. Pinhead
  41. Sap
  42. Simpleton
  43. Thickhead
  44. Wooden-head

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