Sunday 28 July 2019

B.A.(Part 3) Exam Paper Of 2018 English Language Paper Third (Comprehension Skills) | B.A. Third Year English Paper

B.A. (Part 3) EXAMINATION, 2018

(New Course)
Paper Third
(Comprehension Skills)
Time : Three Hours                                                            Maximum Marks : 50
Note : Attempt questions from all Sections as directed.
Inst. : The candidates are required to answer only in serial order. If there are many parts of a question, answer them in continuation.

Section - A

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions :
It is no doubt true that we cannot go through life without sorrows. There can be no sunshine without a shade. We must not complain that roses have thorns, but rather be grateful that thorns bear flowers. Our existence here is so complex that we must expect much sorrow and suffering. Many people torment themselves about the mystery of existence. But although a good man may sometimes be angry with the world, it is certain that no man, who did his duty in it, was ever discontended with the world.
The world is like a looking glass; if you smile, it smiles; if you frown, it frowns back. If you look at it through a red glass all seems red and rosy; if through a blue, all blue; if through a smoked one, all dull and dingy. Always try then, to look at the bright side of things, almost every thing in the world has a bright side. There are some persons, whose smile, the sound of whose voice, whose very presence is like a ray of sunshine and brightens the whole room. Greet everybody with a smile, kind words and pleasant welcome. It is not enough to love those who are near and dear to us. We must show that we do so. While, however, we should be grateful and enjoy to the full the innumerable blessings of life, we cannot expect to have no sorrows or anxieties. Life has been described as a comedy to those who think, and a tragedy to those who feel. It is indeed a tragedy at times and a comedy very often, but as a rule it is what we choose to make it.
(A) (i) Why is the world compared to a looking glass ?    2
      (ii) Why should man be grateful to thorns ?               1
      (iii) For whose is life a tragedy ?                                1
(B) (i) Write the antonym of 'Blessing'.                             1
      (ii) Write the synonymy of 'Sunshine'.                        1
(C) Write the correct answer of the following :                 3
      (i) Sculptor : Chisel
           Tailor : ?
      (ii) Restaurant : Menu
            Library : ?
      (iii) Drill : Bore
             ? : Sift
(D) Correct the following sentences :                                3
      (i) It was me who telephoned you yesterday.
      (ii) He kept himself awake for a long time.
      (iii) Neither the thief nor the dacoit confessed their guilt.
(E) Rearrange the following sentences to make a meaningful paragraph :
      (i) Our Buddha was the light of Asia.
      (ii) It has been a source of light and wisdom to the rest of the world.
      (iii) India's message has always been one of love and peace.
      (iv) Ashoka, moved by the horrors of Kalinga War, adopted the message of non-violence.
      (v) He shook the foundation of the British rule in India through non-violence.
      (vi) The greatest apostle of non-violence in recent years was Mahatma Gandhi.
(F) Use the following idioms and phrases in meaningful sentences :   3
      (i) Chickenhearted
      (ii) All in all
      (iii) Gala day

Section - B

2. Answer the following :                                                    8
    (i) As 'Director' is related to 'Drama', 'Editor' is related to ?
    (ii) Scissors : Cloth
          Axe :?
    (iii) Graceful : Gracious
           Human : ?
    (iv) If Elegant means Graceful, what does Dread mean ?
    (v) If CLOCK is coded as KCOLC, how is LOTUS coded ?
    (vi) Island : Ocean
           ? : Desert
    (vii) Choose the word which does not belong to the group :
            (a) touch
            (b) hear
            (c) eat
            (d) smell
    (viii) Liberty, Equality and ?
3. Correct the following sentences :                                    8
    (i) This is mine pen.
    (ii) He is a good player is not it ?
    (iii) The cow has hurt her legs.
    (iv) Much boys failed in the examination.
    (v) My fountain pen is better than Mohan.
    (vi) The verbal examination will be held tomorrow.
    (vii) They are busy to write letters.
    (viii) Whose cattle in this ?

Section - C

4. Rearrange the following jumbled paragraphs, without changing the sentences marked 'A' and 'F': 8
    (i)  (A) Dozens of mosquitoes petted against my face. 
         (B) So were the mosquitoes.
         (C) I looked for the repellent in my bag, but in vain.
         (D) When I saw my tent, I went strong.
         (E) They trailed me in whining veil.
         (F) It look me fifteen minutes to hunt them down in the tent.
   (ii)  (A) All children like scrambling up to high places to see if the world looks any different from an apple tree.
         (B) No one was looking.
         (C) He glanced around.
         (D) Michael had a longing to do things that had never be done before.
         (E) He began to swarm up the ladder and in no time he reached the top of the tower.
         (F) In a minute or two Michael was delighted to see the market place full of people who had rushed out of their shops and houses to gaze at the dizzy sight.
  (iii)  (A) The world government is the only answer to the threat of the Third World War.
         (B) The emergence of the world government presupposes a surrender of sovereignty by all nations of the world.
         (C) A world government if it is to prevent wars, must be all powerful.
         (D) But a world government seems to be a mere dream under the present circumstances.
         (E) Such a surrender is not even remotely possible under the present situation.
         (F) Even if such a surrender does not take place, it may not last.
  (iv)  (A) The problem of food is intimately connected with population.
         (B) Wages will seldom rise in proportion to the rising prices.
         (C) The market is governed by demand and supply.
         (D) Without enough food, such people lack health, strength of efficiency.
         (E) If too many people demand goods round, prices will rise and poor classes will starve.
         (F) They fall an easy prey to all sorts of diseases.
5. Answer the following :                                                    8
   (a) Write Paronym of the following words :
         (i)  Human
         (ii) Beneficial
   (b) Write Homonym of the following words :
         (i)  Bark
         (ii) Fine
   (c)  (i)  Write Antonym of the following word :
         (ii) Write Synonym of the following word :
   (d) Use the following verb phrases in meaningful sentences :
         (i)  Call off
         (ii) Stand by.

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