Sunday 25 August 2019

B.A.(Part 3) Exam Paper Of 2019 English Language Paper Third (Comprehension Skills) | B.A. Third Year English Paper

B.A. (Part 3) EXAMINATION, 2019

(New Course)
Paper Third
(Comprehension Skills)
Time : Three Hours                                                            Maximum Marks : 50
Note : Attempt questions from all Sections as directed.
Inst. : The candidates are required to answer only in serial order. If there are many parts of a question, answer them in continuation.

Section - A

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions :
English is an international language. It is the language of trade and commerce all over the world. It has a rich literature and a vast store of knowledge. It has tremendously influenced our culture and regional languages. It is still needed for scientific and technical education. Higher studies in any field are not possible without the knowledge of English. In fact, English is window on our modern world culture and civilization. If it is properly studied, it can make Indian languages rich. It may not be the official language of India but it has come to stay as the library language in our country, a language of research and higher education.
The importance of English in India has increased during the post-independence years and now it is viewed not as an colonial legacy but as a useful medium of communication. The study of English needs greater emphasis today than ever before; without blunting the growth of our mother tongue.
(A) (i) Why is the importance of English increasing day by day ?  1
      (ii) For what things is English needed today ?  1
     (iii) Give a summary of the above passage.  1
     (iv) Give a suitable title to the above passage.  1
(B) (i) Write the synonym of 'Knowledge'.  1
     (ii) Write the antonym of 'Civilization'.  1
(C) Write the correct answer of the following :  3
      (i) Succeed : Success
                     ?   : Strength
     (ii) Restaurant : Menu
           Library      :   ?
    (iii) Lion    : Den
           Rabbit :  ?
(D) Correct the following sentences :  3
      (i) Neither the thief nor the dacoit confessed their guilt.
     (ii) It is the same watch which I purchased yesterday.
    (iii) The population of Tokyo is greater than New Delhi.
(E) Rearrange the following sentences to make a meaningful paragraph :  3
      (i) A global carbon market will create a new global system of economic values.
     (ii) India's message has always been one of love and peace.
    (iii) Cleaner nations will become richer and their economies grow faster than dirty nations.
(F) Use the following idioms and phrases in meaningful sentences :  3
      (i) A bird of passage
     (ii) Bread and butter
    (iii) Null and Void

Section - B

2. Answer the following :  8
      (i) Horse : Mare
           Crow :  ?
     (ii) Light    : Blind
           Speech :  ?
    (iii) Black : White
           Start   :  ?
    (iv) India  : Rupee
           Japan :  ?
     (v) Hand : Gloves
           Legs  :  ?
    (vi) If 'natural' means 'artificial', what should 'benevolent' mean ?
   (vii) If 'grass' is related to 'earth', then 'hair' to ......... ?
  (viii) If APPEAR is coded as EARPPA, how can DECIDE be coded ?
3. Correct and rewrite the following sentences :  8
      (i) I had no rupees.
     (ii) He gave me good advices.
    (iii) A group of people were there.
    (iv) There are plenty of rice.
     (v) I saw an asleep man.
    (vi) I enjoy to learn English.
   (vii) He said me a thief.
  (viii) She has come here two days ago.

Section - C

4. Rearrange the sentences in the following jumbled paragraphs to make meaningful paragraphs :  8
     (i) (a) It was a bitterly cold night.
          (b) The conductor came in and took the fares.
          (c) Two women and a man got in together and filled the vacant places.
          (d) The bus stopped.
          (e) The woman dressed in seal skin carried a Pekinase dog in her lap.
          (f) Then his eyes rested with cold malice on the beady-eyed toy dog.
    (ii) (a) Isaac Newton studied Grammar and Latin at a King's School.
          (b) He gave him a good beating.
          (c) The kicking made Newton's very angry.
          (d) He decided to beat him at lessons also.
          (e) One day Newton was kicked by a bigger boy.
          (f) This made him start to work harder.
   (iii) (a) The next pet was a pigeon.
          (b) He had no parents to teach him.
          (c) His name was Ari.
          (d) He was the most revolting bird to look at.
          (e) So he became convinced that he was not a bird at all and refused to fly.
          (f) He liked gramophone music.
   (iv) (a) For ten years I was a school master.
          (b) They got nothing from me in the way of intellectual food.
          (c) For those ten years I carried away nothing in money and little in experience.
          (d) There was nothing to be grateful about my former pupils.
          (e) But school boys have a way of being grateful.
          (f) It is a decent thing about them.
5. Answer the following :  8
          (a) Write Paronym of the following words :
               (i) Wise
              (ii) Example
          (b) Write Homonym of the following words :
               (i) Left
              (ii) Address
          (c) Write Antonym of the following words :
               (i) Victim
              (ii) Hate
          (d) Write Synonym of the following words :
               (i) Specimen
              (ii) Guide

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