Thursday 19 March 2020

How To Write A Letter On Problems by public demonstrations | Formal Letter

PROBLEM : Public demonstration cause a lot of disturbance in daily routine of common man. You almost missed your important entrance examination as people blocked the highway. As Tarun a student aspiring to be a doctor, write a letter to the editor of The Times of India highlighting the need to disturbance by public on highways which cause a great loss of time and opportunity. 


54/C Block
New Delhi

29 April, 2019

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Sub: Problems by public demonstrations.

I Tarun a medical aspirant wants to raise my voice through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to draw the attention of readers and related governmental departments about the inconvenience caused by public demonstrations.
There are many Dharmas and Aanshans organised by the folks. They cause a great inconvenience to the common people. People do not reach to their destinations in time, patients die in ambulances, students can't reach to their examination centers and people can't go to their jobs just because of these uncontrolled demonstrations. Some times there are violence in these moments. All this causes a great loss of time, money and opportunity of common people. 
I think that you must details and my article in your newspaper.
Thanking You

Yours faithfully

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