Thursday 6 August 2020

Social Science Exhibition Report Writting (100-125 words) | Report writting for school magazine

PROBLEM : You are Amit of class 12, Biral Vidya Mandir, your school is the venue of National level Social Science Exhibition. Write a report for school magazine.




     Social science exibition was conducted in Biral Vidya Mandir on 13 November 2020, for promoting students.

The chief guest of the ocassion was Mr. S.Sharma. He was welcomed by the school principal, vice-principal and the scout-guid students. Then lamp lightening ceremony was done. Students from different parts of the country was present in the school for showing their creativity. All the events were performed and then the principal of the school dilevered his speech.

The exhibition come to an end with the address of principal. Then chief guest addressed the students. He was so happy to see all the events. He boosted the confidence of students. Then the prizes were distributed to the students who were won in the events.

science exhibition
Social Science Exhibition

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