Monday 19 October 2020

The Enemy Solution Of NCERT Text Book Class 12


- Pearl S.Buck 

 Questions -

1) Describe the dilemma faced by Dr. Sadao. What did he decide finally ?
Answer ) When Dr. Sadao saw that man lying on the stones then he faced the dilemma. He was thinking that what he should do with the American who was wounded. He have two choices that he could behave as a citizen of his country or he could behave as a doctor.
He finally decided to save the life of that American as a doctor. He helped him to recover and to escape from Japane also.

2) What was the attitude of the servants ? What did they do ?
Answer ) When the unknown American was brought in their house for his treatment. The servants were against this decision and they behave so strangely. They disagreed to any think for that American. Yumi does not wash the wounds of stranger. Finally, when they saw that their master were not handling that stranger to the police they left their jobs.

3) How did Hana helped her husband in treating the American prisoner ?
Answer ) Hana as a loyal wife was supporting the decision of Dr. Sadao. She helped her husband in all possible ways. She learned and given the anesthetic to the prisoner. She also feed the stranger by her hands. When Yumi declined to wash the wounds, then Hana herself washed his wounds.

4) What solution did Dr. Sadao go for ?
Answer ) When they were worried about the strange American in their house then Dr. Sadao got an excellent solution of that problem. He decided that he will send the stranger to the nearby island on his boat with some food and clothings. And from there he could get a Korean fishing boat and can escape from Japane.

5) Did the hired assassins of General came to murder Tom ? Why ?
Answer ) The hired assassins of the General did not came to murder the stranger. He wait for three days that the assassins would do their work but they didn't came. The General was so selfish that he was talking of his own interest all the time so, he forget to send the assassins to Dr. Sadao's house.

 Reading with insight -

1) There are moments in life when we have to make hard choices between our roles as private individuals and as citizens with a sense of national loyalty. Discuss with reference to the story ?
Answer ) There are many moments in our life when we have to choose one of these ways either as a private individual or as a citizen. Every person have to give preference to humanity.
Like in the story Dr. Sadao knowing that Tom was an American, he saved his life as a doctor.

2) Dr. Sadao was compelled by his duty as a doctor to help the enemy soldier. What made Hanna, sympathetic to him in the face of open defiance from domestic staff ?

Answer ) As his husband was in side of saving the life of Tom, so as a loyal wife she also supported him in his decision. She is very loyal wife and she was giving her husband a kind of support.

3) How would you explain the reluctance of the soldier to leave the shelter of doctor home even when he knew he couldn't stay there without risk to the doctor and himself ?
Answer ) He was feeling very secure in the house of Dr. Sadao so he was reluctant to leave his house. When Dr. Sadao decided that Tom would go to the island to escape from Japan. Then at the time of leaving Dr. Sadao's house Tom's expressions were not good. He was showing his reluctance.

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