Thursday 15 April 2021

Download pdf of THE RAPE OF THE LOCK BOOK | Novel The Rape of the Lock download



The rape of the lock

The Rape of the Lock is a famous mock-heroic narrative poem written by '' Alexander Pope ''. The Rape of the Lock is a social satire. The most striking quality of this poem is, of course, its sparkling and scintillating wit. The poem is in effect a satire upon the fashionable world of eighteenth century, and more especially upon feminine frivolity. Almost every aspect of the fashionable society of the time is mocked at by Pope, and the mockery sends us into peals of laughter. Much of the pleasure of this poem results from this mockery. Fun is the key-note of this poem.
Pope aims at beauty and The Rape of the Lock, a poem with no substance at all, is nothing but grace.
''The Rape of the Lock stands forward as the most exquisite example of ludicrous poetry.''

Author : Alexander Pope

Published : May 1712

Original language : English

Forms : Narrative poetry

Genres : Mock-epic

Characters : Belinda, The Baron, Thalestris, Clarissa

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