Tuesday 20 April 2021

Download pdf of SONS AND LOVERS BOOK | Novel Sons and Lovers download



Sons & Lovers

Sons and Lovers, 1913 was written by D. H. Lawrence. The Sons and Lovers is rooted in the personal life of D.H.Lawrence. It is a semi-autobiographical novel. Lawrence uses impressionistic technique to declineate the soul or the psyche of his characters. Now the soul or the psyche of a person is nothing but a welter of sensations, or reacctions and it does not proceed logically and coherently. Since nothing in life happens logically, hence Lawrence dispenses with logical development of character. In Sons and Lovers these facts can be well noted.

Distinctive Features Of The Novel
  • A Masterpiece
  • Autobiographical Note
  • Mother-fixation
  • Sex-conflict
  • Law of Polarisation
  • Monkey-relationships : A Reflection of the Life of Miners
  • A Great Social Novel
  • A Novel about Class
  • ''The Moment of Life Itself''
  • Traditional and Modern Elements
  • Description of Nature
  • Use of Imagery and Symbols
  • Impressionism : Its Technique
  • Some Limitations
  • A Great Work of Art

Lawrence the Novelist : Some Observations
  • ''Art for my sake.''
  • ''The novel is the one bright book of life.''
  • ''If you are a novelist, you know that paradise is in the palm of your hand.''
  • ''They ( D.H.Lawrence and James Joyce ) are the advance guard.''
  • ''The artist's first duty is to his genius ; he cannot serve two masters.'' ( Lawrence )

Author : D. H. Lawrence

Characters : Walter Morel, Mrs. Gertrude Morel, Paul Morel, Miriam, Clara Dawes, Baxter Dawes, William Morel

Published : 1913

Genres : Autobiographical novel

Language : English

Chapter : XV

Theme : Oedipus complex

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