Monday 7 June 2021

William Shakespeare | Biography of Shakespeare | 250-300 words on William Shakespeare's life

Biography of Shakespeare


William Shakespeare was born on 26th April 1564 at Stratford near London City in Great Britain. He was the third child and first son of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. His parents belonged to middle class. Shakespeare could not receive proper education during his childhood nor afterwards but he restored a considerable amount of experience of civic life during his boyhood and adolescence.

Shakespeare is the greatest poet of English Literature. He has taken a prominent position and rank in the realm of English poetry in his own life time. Ben Johnson who himself was a great dramatist and poet says –

Soul of the age! The applause delight! The wonder of our stage!

He again says – “He was not of an age but for all time.” After a lapse of three hundred and fifty years of his death William Shakespeare still is remembered the greatest of the English Poet. In fact he is the prince of the poets and the King dramatist not only of England but of the whole world. The favourite poet of a generation is generally rejected in his own life time but it is not with Shakespeare. The more we read him, the more we are charmed. He is the richest prize of his nation.

William Shakespeare is the universal poet and dramatist not only of England but also of the whole world. He does not belong to a country and an age but he is of all times and of all countries. He is eternal. He is universal. The proof of it is that he is read in all the countries. His works have been translated in so many other languages of the world. His poetry has crossed all limits of time, space, class, religion and sex.

As we read his poetry we find that it has the rare quality. William Shakespeare comes before us as a poet of all ages. He love to the eternal truth of human heart.

His stage is the world, his character are universal mankind. His subject is the human soul and he himself is the genius of mankind. A critic says that “He is the prophet soul of the mankind.

William Shakespeare is the most original poet. He was the man who had the largest soul. He needed not the spectacles of the books to read nature he looked into his soul and found there. He had a great relationship with nature. His love and delight in nature his company with the dear in the sunny glales helps in his poetic art.

Alexander Pope says about him “If ever any another deserved the name of originally, it was Shakespeare. He is not an imitator but is an instrument of nature.” Mathew Arnold says of him “Others abide our questions thou art free, we ask an art, thou smilest and art still out topping knowledge.

Euobarbus says “Age cannot with her, not customs steale her infinite variety.

It is the reason that he appeals to all of us in fact his poetry is “A great of life and beauty.

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