Wednesday 6 October 2021


Question: Write an essay on the topic 'Say no to polythene bags' in about 200-250 words.   


 Want to bring vegetables and fruits from market, carry any eatable to office or school, and throw any waste material or to pack anything; the only most convenient answer to all these questions is “ Polythene Bags” Its is easy to handle anything by using polythene bags. But have you ever thought how harmful these polythene bags are to our environment. These polythene bags are made of a polymer compound which is non biodegradable that is not at all acted upon by any living organism. This means that once these enter our environment, remain as such forever.

Polythene is highly toxic in nature and if ingested in even in very minute quantity by human beings can be fatal. Polythene prevents the passage of the light, air and water through it, so it prevents germination of seeds and hence creates threat for the continuity of life.

Grazing animals eat the polythene thrown with the waste vegetables, fruits and other house hold wastes. This polythene deposit in the intestine of these animals and disturb their digestive system. As the amount of polythene increases in the intestine it leads to the death. It has been found every year more than 35 lakh animals die untimely due to ingestion of polythene. In Lucknow about 08 kg. of polythene has been removed from the stomach of a cow in an operation done by doctors.

Polythene is not only dangerous to the life on land it is also hazardous to life under water. Polythene present in water bodies consumes the dissolved oxygen from water, this leads to an anoxic condition on the water body this ultimately lead to the death of aquatic animals.

Polythene bags thrown in the sewage accumulate in the sewer pipe lines and clog them which results in the poor sewage disposal system in municipal drainage system. Polythene reduces the soil fertility by reducing its porosity and water retention capacity; this reduces the crop yield of food grains.

Polythene can be seen at each and every place today, at roads, in parks, in rivers, in lakes, in forests, on railway lines, in field area and even at hills like the Himalayas, it is reducing the aesthetic value on our natural heritage. Polythene has not even left our holy rivers pure. The Gangas, the Yamuna and other rivers are highly polluted due to polythene.

We are blaming the polythene for all these problems, but ion real sense we, the human beings, the inventor, producers and users of polythene bags are the real culprits. It is true that the necessity is the mother of invention and the us of polythene bags for making carry bags was a very good invention for our daily needs. The problem aroused by the extensive, unnecessary use and this gave birth to the problems related to polythene pollution.

Now, as the problem has been created by us and is related to our lives, we have to find out the solution to this problem. It is very difficult to imagine a world without polythene as it has become an essential part of our daily lives.

But we must and we have to learn to use other alternatives of polythene, especially the polythene bags. We can use paper and jute bags in place of polythene to carry goods. We can use glass and steel containers in place of polythene containers. If the use of polythene is unavoidable, in any case then used bag & container should be properly disposed off so that they can be recycled. It is also necessary to recycle the already present polythene pollutants, for this all the scattered polythene bags and containers must be collected and sent for recycling.

Come on, lets join hands to make our environment polythene free and say “No to polythene” is one strong voice to start this revolution at our school level each and every student has to make a promise today that he or she will not bring polythene bags in school. Each one of us will discourage the use of polythene bags and will encourage the use of paper and jute bags because we and only we can make our environment polythene free and I am sure we will definitely be able to do it.

"Save Environment"

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