Thursday 23 June 2022

Education today is more for livelihood than for life


 I remember the golden words of Socrates; " Not life but a good life is chiefly valued". And I add to this that it is the education that makes the life good which is worth valuing.

We see that women a child is merely 3 years old, he for the first time enters the threshold of the school and at the age of 21 or 22, he comes out of college with a degree in his hands. And now he is capable of earning his livelihood. But do you think this much of education has made him really an educated man or a versatile character?

I ask those who wish to contradict my views: Is the purpose of the knowledge a man keeps acquiring in every walk of his life, from all around him, from the time he comes to the world till the time he is to leave-just limited to 'livelihood' alone ? It would be our ignorance to consider the term education in terms of 'academics' only. It is basically a systematic way to acquiring knowledge which requires some help form outside too apart from our own efforts. I do agree that the task of earning a livelihood becomes more easy by vocational education but it may not just be sufficient for a successful life! But it is very sad to say that in this materialistic world man is so much concerned with livelihood that he has forgotten the real meaning of life.

" Life" is a comprehensive term that is always related to totality. And to make it perfect in all respects, we need education while we see 'livelihood' as just a part of life. We may be a doctor, an engineer, an, as or whatever but before everything, we are human beings and to have humaneness we need to have education.

To sum up all this, I would just say, " Whether we talk of today, yesterday or the coming future Education is always more for life."

Because there can be life even without livelihood but there can never be livelihood without a life!

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