Wednesday 23 December 2020

B.A.(Part 1) Exam Paper Of 2014 English Language Paper First (Text) | B.A. First Year English Paper


B.A. (Part 1) EXAMINATION, 2014

(New Course)
Paper First
Time : Three Hours                                                            Maximum Marks : 50
Note : All questions are compulsory.

Section - A

(Short Answer Type Questions)

1. Answer in about 50 words any ten of the following :
2 each
   (a) Why should we not recognize the conquerors as civilized ?
   (b) ''After all, the race of men has only just started''. Elucidate it.
   (c) Where was Margie's school room and who gave her tests in Geography ?
   (d) Did the ancient kids find their schools; teachers and lessons very interesting ?
   (e) Is the concept of a robot slave technically possible ?
   (f) What did the wrong man in worker's paradise do ?
   (g) Why, according to Dudley Stamp, is enormous increase in population taking place ?
   (h) What kind of a woman Mathilde was ?
   (i) Why did Mathilde borrow the diamond necklace ?
   (j) How did the astrologer deal with his customers ?
   (k) Why was the astrologer happy in the end ? 
   (l) What was the reaction of Jim on receiving gift from his wife Della ?
   (m) Bring out the significance of Phatik's last utterance, ''Mother, the holidays have come''.
   (n) How did the hermit answer the King's questions practically ?
   (o) How did the narrator in 'The Luncheon' have his revenge ?

Section - B

(Long Answer Type Questions)

Note : Each question carries 6 marks

2. Write a note on the variety of moustaches worn by people India as described in 'A pair of Mustachios'.
   Write a note on child pspchology of an adolescent child asshown in 'The Home Coming'.
   What are the arguments of Isaac Asiimov for and against the ancient system of schooling and that introduced in the twenty second century ?
3. Describe Tagore's views as given in his essay, 'A Wrong Man in Worker's Paradise'.
   Analyse the theme of the essay 'Using Land Wissely'.
   What is the moral of Leo Tolstoy's story 'Three Questions' ?

Section - C

Note : Each question carries 6 marks.

4.(a) The story ''The Gift of the Magi'' is about true love and sacrifice. Discuss.
      What are the view of C.E.M. load on civilization and history ?
  (b) What part does chance play in the story "The Diamond Necklace" ?
      By Death Control, the author means :
  (i)   a rather different kind of Birth Control.
  (ii)  control of the world's population.
  (iii) the prevention or cure of diseases.
  (iv)  the spread of knowledge in the world.

Section - D

(Grammar Based on Text)

Note : Each question carries 3 marks.

5.(a) Fill in the blanks of any three of the following :
  (i)   The mechanical teacher was ..... and waiting for her.  (in, on, around)
  (ii)  We rock ....... anguish.  (with, in)
  (iii) The man was taken ....... task by busy farmers.  (to, into)
  (iv)  In Antarctica and Greenland and the great frozen areas of northern Canada, land is covered ....... snow.
  (b) Give one-word substitution on any three of the following :
  (i)   Unit of energy supplied by food.
  (ii)  Mechanism that acts like a man.
  (iii) Swing backwards and forwards or from side to side.
  (iv)  Small room Just under the roof of a house.
  (v)   Belonging to eastern Asia.

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