Thursday 14 January 2021

B.A.(Part 1) Exam Paper Of 2014 English Language Paper Second (Applied Grammar) | B.A. First Year English Paper


B.A. (Part 1) EXAMINATION, 2014

(New Course)
Paper Second
(Applied Grammar)
Time : Three Hours                                                            Maximum Marks : 50
Note : Question Nos. 1, 2 and 3 are compulsory. Attempt Section A and Section B as directed.

1. (a) Change the following into reported speech :
       King to his servant Charles, "What time is it ?" Charles, "Nine O'clock, your majesty.''

   (b) Write the correct form of every verb given in brackets in the following sentence :
       If you (be) able to solve this problem by tomorrow you (reward) generously by the chief.

   (c) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by using the correct gerundial form of the verb in brackets :
       (i)  They locked the door before ..... out (go).
       (ii) Who is responsible ..... the chair (break).

   (d) Complete the following sentences by adding a suitable question tag :
       (i)  He will accept a cheque, ....... ?
       (ii) You have all the papers ready, ....... ?

   (e) Rewrite the following sentences as directed :
       (i)  Sign your name, or I shall not agree to this.
(Into a complex sentence)
       (ii) It is quite evident that you have been misinformed.
(Replace "evident" by an adverb)

2. Make a precis of the following passage and give it a suitable title :
Books are, by far, the most lasting product of human effort. Temples crumble into ruin, pictures and statues decay, but books survive. Time does not destroy the great thoughts which are as fresh to day as when they first passed through their author's minds ages ago. What was then thought and said still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed pages. The only effect of time has been to throw out of currency the products, for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good. Books introduce us into the best society. They bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did. We see them, enjoy with them and grieve with them. In a way, we move in their company and their experiences become ours.
Without books no fresh ideas are possible and without fresh ideas no cultured society is possible. No wonder that the world keeps its books with great care.

3. Expand any one of the following ideas in 100 words :
   (a) A rolling stone gathers no mass.
   (b) Social media - A new tool of expression.

Section - A

(Short Answer Type Questions)

Note : Attempt any one question from this Section. 10 marks

4. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow :
The scene presented by a community of bees is the more astonishing, the more we become acquainted with its details. Each hive is a commonwealth, of which the queen is nominally the head, receiving the greatest honour and care from her industrious subjects. With a greater wisdom than can be claimed by men, these creatures allow no disputes about the succession to the throne to induce them to injure each other, but they require the parties themselves individually to settle the quarrle between each other, without prolonged interference with the duties of the hive. Indeed, they may be said with truth to have adopted the advice :
''Let those who made the quarrels, be the only ones to fight.''
Only one queen is permitted to hold office in the community at a time: but while her claims are undisputed, she is treated with singular respect and affection. Indeed, her presence, and the prospect of a future generation, appear the chief motives of the insects to expert themselves.
   (a) The writer's observation that the bees 'settle the quarrel between each other, without prolonged interference with the duties of the hive' suggests that he/she is :
       (i)   pointing a bee character
       (ii)  observing the traits of worker bees
       (iii) appreciating the traits of worker bees
       (iv)  condemning the behaviour of ill-tempered human beings
   (b) "The prospect of a future generation", suggests that the write is ....... in his/her outlook.
       (i)   ambivalent
       (ii)  nationalistic
       (iii) sympathetic
       (iv)  appreciative
   (c) "The parties" in this context means :
       (i)   participants
       (ii)  political organisation
       (iii) individuals
       (iv)  bees
   (d) "To exert themselves" means the bees are :
       (i)   having influence
       (ii)  quite aggressive
       (iii) busy toiling
       (iv)  very exhausted
   (e) "Each hive is a commonwealth" means the hive :
       (i)   is over-crowded
       (ii)  has a queen
       (iii) is self-governing
       (iv)  is without a leader

5. Translate the following passage into English :
भारत गाँवों का देश है। इसका विकास गाँवों के विकास पर निर्भर है , किन्तु भारतीय गाँवों की दशा अत्यन्त दयनीय है। गाँवों में पीने के पानी की सुविधा नहीं है। वहीं पर न तो सड़क है , न अस्पताल और न स्कूल। ग्रामवासी अनेक अंधविश्वासों के शिकार हैं। वे अनेक बीमारियों से पीड़ित रहते हैं। उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति इतनी दयनीय है कि वे अपने बच्चों को उचित शिक्षा नही दे सकते। यही कारण है कि गाँव की आबादी बढ़ रही है और उसके साथ गरीबी भी। यदि भारत का आर्थिक विकास होना है तो गाँव की दशा सुधारनी होगी। गाँववासियों की शिक्षा और उनके स्वास्थ्य का समुचित प्रबन्ध करना होगा। 

Section - B

(Long Answer Type Questions)

Note : Attempt any three questions from this Section. 5 each

6. Do as directed :
   (a) The lecture said that Akbar won the respect of all races and classes by his justice.   (Into Direct speech)
   (b) "Are you coming home with me ?" He asked.
(Into Indirect speech)
   (c) I shall come and see you when I ....... (come) to Kanpur.
(Correct tense of the verb)
   (d) This suit is too hot ....... in this warm weather.
(Complete sentence by adding Infinitive)
   (e) (Stare) at him severely, he refused to answer.
(Correct form of Participle)

7. Attempt all parts :
   (a) Pay your tax.
(Change into Passive voice)
   (b) Geeta will have been helped by Rajni.
(Change into Active voice)
   (c) She was wounded. The wound was fatal.
(Combine the sentences into a simple sentence by using adverb)
   (d) We learn Hindi, we learn English.
(Join the sentences using 'not only .... but also')
   (e) The boys did not do their home work. The girls did not do their home work.
(Use 'neither .......nor')

8. Transform the following sentences :
   (a) Gandhi was greater than any other Indian leader.
(Into negative)
   (b) Everybody would hate poverty.
(Transform into interrogative)
   (c) Our present house suits us exactly.
(Rewrite into a complex sentence)
   (d) There is no use crying ......... spilt milk.
(Fill in the blank with appropriate word)
   (e) (i)  As soon as he learnt of his mother's confinement he flew home.
        (ii) No sooner ......... (Complete the sentence making it as similar in meaning as possible to sentence (i))

9. (a)  Write the synonyms of the following words :
        (i) Bonhomic      (ii) Relish
   (b)  In the following questions some parts have been jumbled up, you are required to rearrange these parts :
   (i)  Women, are more likely to give birth prematurely/ and their babies are at increased risk/, who are poorly nourished or sick/, of death and disability.
   (ii) Kapil, left in an aeroplane/after reading a sailing magazine/, had decided/to build his own boat nine years earlier.

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